Accuracy watch
The Spokesman-Review is committed to accuracy. If you think we have made an error in a news story, call (509) 459-5403 or email
Wilderness details wrong
North Idaho has no official wilderness areas, although the Idaho Panhandle National Forests manage 9,900 acres of the Salmo-Priest Wilderness within Washington. This detail was wrong in the Wilderness Ready story in the Sunday Outdoors section. Also, the IPNF recommended wilderness for the Selkirk Mountains ranges from Long Canyon south to Harrison Peak.
Location of ranch wrong
A ranch where animal control officials found 63 starving horses is located in west Spokane County, not in the city of Airway Heights; the location was incorrect in a story Saturday.
EWU coach misidentified
Eastern Washington assistant football coach John Graham was misidentified in the EWU game story in Sunday’s paper.
Incorrect week in the NFL
This past week was week 11 in the NFL season; a headline on page B1 Monday incorrectly stated the wrong week.