In brief: Green Party to meet, form county chapter
The Green Party of Washington will meet in Spokane this weekend to discuss issues of interest to Eastern Washington and form a county chapter of the party.
Registration will open at 9 a.m. Saturday at Travelodge, 33 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., for the two-day event. It will feature presentations from Spokane Coalition Builders, Envision Spokane and Spokane Riverkeeper, among others, along with question-and-answer sessions.
Party members as well as other interested community members are welcome to attend. Registration costs $15-$30 on a sliding scale, but no one will be excluded because of inability to pay.
Information: gathering.
Lynn Yount
Woman pleads guilty to theft conspiracy
A former employee of the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Authority has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit theft from a tribal organization.
Angeline Morago George, 36, pleaded guilty to the charge Friday in federal court, U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson said.
Prosecutors said George was issued a credit card related to her duties as a Tribal Housing Authority employee and that in February she and 26-year-old Billy E. Moffitt drove to Washington, where George purchased more than $4,000 in money orders from payday loan stores that they then used for personal benefit.
Moffitt pleaded guilty to the charge earlier in August. Both face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when they are sentenced later this year.
Associated Press
Idaho child molester could be released early
SANDPOINT – A North Idaho man convicted of molesting a child in Bonner County over a four-year period soon may be released on probation after serving only months in a prison treatment program.
Roy Lewis Baldwin received a prison sentence of five to 25 years when he was sentenced in February, the Bonner Daily Bee reported.
At the time, however, 1st District Judge John T. Mitchell retained jurisdiction, meaning he could be released earlier if he successfully completed a prison rehabilitation program.
Last week, Mitchell ordered Baldwin released on probation, pending a polygraph and psychosexual evaluation.
Prosecutors say Baldwin, 67, sexually abused a Bonner County girl from 2008 to 2012 when she was between the ages of 6 and 10. He is being held in Bonner County Jail in Sandpoint.
Associated Press