Streaming: Wahlberg joins robot phenomenon

What’s new to watch this week on pay-per-view and streaming services:
“Transformers: Age of Extinction,” the fourth giant robot blockbuster from Michael Bay, calls in Mark Wahlberg to take over the human duties from Shia LeBeouf. The franchise is losing viewers in the U.S. (though it’s a top five moneymaker), but it’s a huge hit around the world. Also arrives on Blu-ray, DVD, VOD and at Redbox.
For the grown-ups in the audience there is “Chef,” Jon Favreau’s comic drama of a four-star restaurant chef who starts again with a gourmet food truck he mans with his family and friends, and “Obvious Child,” starring stand-up comedienne Jenny Slate as a young woman who finds out she’s pregnant after a one-night stand.
For teens and tweens, there is “The Fault in Our Stars,” based on the young adult best-seller and starring Shailene Woodley as a young woman dying of cancer who falls in love.
And debuting on pay-per-view before theaters is a trio of thrillers: the offbeat horror fantasy “Horns” with Daniel Radcliffe as a guy who spontaneously sprouts a pair of devilish horns from his forehead; the Internet thriller “Open Windows” with Elijah Wood; and the horror anthology “The ABCs of Death 2.”
Netflix is now home to all seven seasons and 154 episodes of the binge-bait dramedy “Gilmore Girls,” the small-town comedy starring Lauren Graham as a kooky single mom and Alexis Bledel as her whipsmart daughter. Full of eccentric characters and offbeat humor in its romantic complications and growing pains, it’s a family show with women in charge and pop culture references that would please Joss Whedon. Watch out, it’s addictive.
Netflix also has some new shows: last year’s “Reign: Season One,” which plays the rise of Mary, Queen of Scots as royal soap opera and political intrigue, and the young adult supernatural soaps “The Vampire Diaries: Season 5” and its New Orleans-set spin-off “The Originals: Season One.”
New films include the remake of “Carrie” with Chloë Grace Moretz and the crime drama “Killing Them Softly” with Brad Pitt and James Gandolfini.
Amazon Instant Prime
Amazon Prime keeps up its slate of programming for kids. “Degrassi: Season 13,” the Canadian series that has found stateside fan among kids and adults alike. But you may not want to tell your adolescent that “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” is also now available to Amazon Prime members.