Sing at a concert, maybe, but no talking

Theresa Schimmels
Never! You can mouth silently but don’t spoil it for those around you that want to hear the artist. And shut off your cell phone!
Tim Thompson
Common sense tells you shut up and listen and do not disturb the performance or other people!
John Newman
One thing I can put in the ABSOLUTELY NEVER column is I saw a Deep Purple concert in Singapore, and the audience, to get the request through, sang “Smoke on the Water” during other songs. DO NOT BE THAT AUDIENCE, EVER.
Jason StClair
It’s OK to sing at a concert when the artist points his microphone out at the audience for them to take over.
Janice Charbonneau
Oh sing whenever the mood hits you! Buy the CD and don’t go to the concert if it bothers you so much.
Shirley Hillhouse
Yes, it is okay to sing. I have never been to a concert where the crowd did not sing.
Monique Wallace
If the music is loud enough (which concerts usually are), sing! Belt out those songs like you’ve practiced in the car and shower! You paid for a live performance and a good time! I’ve been to India.Arie, All American Rejectz, Linkin Park, Hollywood Undead, Tech N9ne, Panic! Everybody sang along!
Bob Salsbury
If it is a song you love and sing in the shower then yes.
Judith De Witt
It depends on the concert, where it’s being held, but I believe if you know the song, SING.
Jeannie Kivett Mors
NEVER, people pay good money for the show and then have to listen to someone talk or sing out of tune. Not appreciated.
Shawn Himes
I go to ROCK concerts … of course it’s ok to sing
Jan DeLuca Martin
I do not mind singing … but when people are having full on conversations and yelling to be heard, it is not ok. The last concert I went to there were three girls talking about Facebook posts for about 30 minutes. I asked them to stop and so they decided it would be funny to continue to do it – except they did it about three inches from my ear. …Why pay for a concert if you want to have a meaningless conversation during it?
Leslie Heitner
I spent $50 on a ticket to take my mom to see Harry Belafonte. I finally leaned over and said Mom, if I wanted to listen to you we would be in your living room.
ChazBetz Bowman
If you can’t sing along at a concert, why go? My wife and I sang Beatles songs along with 46,000 other fans at the Paul McCartney concert two years ago in Seattle’s Safeco Field. And that alone is what made the concert so awesome!
Kathy Evans
At most rock concerts, the music is so deafeningly loud that it wouldn’t matter if you sang along, because no one can hear you anyway. You would need to use sign language to talk to anyone.
Bill Back
You always sing at concerts. The bands usually encourage it. That’s part of the fun.
Konnie Johnson
Sorry, but I came to hear the concert. Not some off-pitch drunk girl who thinks she’s a rock star. So just keep the singing down so I don’t have to hear it. Thank you!
Deborah Perry
Unless invited to sing along, please don’t! I didn’t purchase a ticket to hear karaoke!
Dawn Halladay
I paid for the ticket … I’m going to SING!
Tony Gallen
I think it’s ok unless the crowd drowns out the singer during your favorite song. Then it ruins the experience.
Timothy Alan Best
As an artist and performer I say SING!