Pre-teen gymnast has knee pain
DEAR DOCTOR K: My 12-year-old daughter has been doing gymnastics for years. Lately she’s complained about pain in her knee. Her doctor says it’s Osgood-Schlatter disease. How serious is this?
DEAR READER: Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common, temporary condition. It causes knee pain in older children and teenagers, especially those who play sports. About 20 percent of kids who play sports develop this condition. It starts when a kid’s growth spurt starts, and major symptoms typically go away at the end of a teen’s growth spurt.
The condition is basically an “overuse injury.” Kids and teens who participate in activities that require a lot of jumping and bending – hockey, basketball, soccer, skating, gymnastics or ballet – are more likely to develop Osgood-Schlatter disease.
In these activities, the quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh pulls tightly against the kneecap and the kneecap’s anchor, the patellar tendon. Repeated pulling results in pain, swelling, redness and a bony bump in the raised area at the top of the tibia (shinbone).
The good news is that continuing to participate in the activity that led to the condition will not cause permanent damage, though it may be uncomfortable. Here are some things your daughter can do to help limit discomfort:
• Wear shock-absorbent insoles in sports shoes.
• Use a heating pad or warm, moist compress for 15 minutes before a sports activity.
• If the symptoms worsen following a sports activity, apply a bag of ice or a cold gel pack to the area. Put a dishcloth or thin towel between the skin and cold pack. Apply the cold for 15 minutes every couple of hours for four to six hours.
• Elevate her leg when she has knee pain.
• Take over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), to fight pain and inflammation.
• Stretch thigh muscles two or three times a day, and always before an activity.
Finally, check to see that your daughter is using sports equipment appropriately and has proper technique.