Jim Kershner’s this day in history
From our archives, 100 years ago
Spokane’s whiskey drinkers were beginning to make plans for the coming of statewide prohibition on Jan. 1, and Jimmie Durkin was offering to help.
“I have one solid train load of whiskies to dispose of before January first,” Durkin proclaimed in a newspaper ad.”… I am carrying the burden and want to be relieved of the load rather than sink under the weight of it.”
Durkin was Spokane’s leading saloon man and liquor distributor. He claimed he was sitting on top of more whiskey than every other dealer in Spokane put together, and that he had more than almost anybody in the West. Durkin was offering to sell his whiskey at prices between $2 and $5 per gallon.
Many people were likely to take Durkin up on this offer. Sale of liquor would be prohibited in four months, but apparently there would be no prohibition against possessing liquor in your home. People already were beginning to fill up their cellars.
From the auto racing beat: Both of the auto racers injured in separate accidents at the Interstate Fair were improving.
H.S. Kocher was resting well, despite fractures of his arms and shoulders. He was scheduled for X-rays of his “entire body” to evaluate his injuries.
R.L. Williams underwent surgery for a skull fracture and was “conscious, rational” and resting well.