Somebody Needs You
The goal of Somebody Needs You is to match donors with the specific requests of needy Spokane residents.
The list of requests is coordinated by the Volunteers of America in cooperation with recognized social service agencies in Spokane. If you have an item to donate, please contact the social service agency directly. Donors who can deliver items are especially appreciated. If someone you know needs help, contact a local social service agency provider.
A previously homeless man who recently found housing and currently has no form of income is in need of a TV, ideally larger than 20 inches due to poor vision. Contact Olivia B. of Frontier Behavioral Health at (509) 838-4128.
Disabled man needs a bed (full, queen or king preferred) with or without a frame/box spring and size 3XL clothes (mostly shirts, pants and underwear). Contact Collin of Frontier Behavioral Health PACT Team at (509) 838-4651, ext. 205206.
Girl, 17, who had been living on the streets is in need of a bed of any kind or size. Contact Rosey Thurman of TeamChild at (509) 323-1166.
Family with three children is in need of a full-size mattress, a twin mattress, shelves and a dresser. Contact Joseph Gutierrez of the public defender’s office at (509) 701-3185.