Lake City library opens temp summer site
Lake City Public Library in Coeur d’Alene will open June 18 in temporary summer quarters at Skyway Elementary, while maintenance occurs at its Lake City High School location.
The Lake City branch will be closed next week to reopen for the following Monday in the library at Skyway Elementary, 6621 N. Courcelles Parkway.
Summer hours for the branch will be 12-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. LCPL will have two summer programs on Tuesdays, Storytime with a Snack at noon, and LEGO Club 4-5 p.m. Chess Club will not continue through the summer.
The branch expects to return to Lake City High School when the new school year starts, likely by the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Teens and children who participate in the summer reading program can pick up and drop off reading logs at the branch, that also will have prizes.
The branch, which opened in 2016, is a joint project of the Coeur d’Alene Public Library and the Coeur d’Alene School District. JD Smithson, a library employee, is branch manager.
It has a branch book collection and uses school computers for internet access. Library patrons can designate LCPL as a pickup site for books and other items placed on hold throughout the Cooperative Information Network catalog.