Upcycled Life: Stick crayons

Use up those tiny broken crayon stubs to make stick crayons. If you have a pocket knife and a drill, the remaining materials are easily gathered at no cost.
Find sticks that are about ½-inch in diameter and 4-7” long
Drill one end of the stick with a ¼- to ⅜-inch drill bit as far as you can.
Make melting cups for the crayon stubs by cutting the bottom of an aluminum beverage can. Pinch the cut edge to make a pouring spout.
Place the cups with the crayon stubs into a pot with a small amount of water and heat the water.
While the crayons are melting, prepare a jar with dried beans to hold the sticks upright while they set.
When the crayons are fully melted, carefully pour the wax into the drilled hole.
Let the wax set for a day, then sharpen with a pocket knife.
Katie Patterson Larson is the director and founder of Art Salvage, a creative reuse center in Spokane. Art Salvage keeps usable materials out of the waste stream and makes them accessible and affordable to everyone. For more information, visit artsalvagespokane.com.