On the air
Monday’s TV Highlights
Basketball, NBA
5 p.m.: Portland at Oklahoma City Root
6 p.m.: L.A. Lakers at Phoenix NBA
Football, college
11:30 a.m.: Myrtle Beach Bowl: Marshall vs. Connecticut ESPN
Football, NFL
5:15 p.m.: L.A. Rams at Green Bay ESPN
Monday’s Radio Highlights
Basketball, college men
6:30 p.m.: Idaho at Cal State Northridge 92.5-FM
Basketball, college women
6 p.m.: San Diego at Gonzaga 94.1-FM
Football, NFL
4:30 p.m.: L.A. Rams at Green Bay 92.5-FM
Sports talk
6 a.m.: Brock and Salk 700-AM
3 p.m.: Wyman and Bob 700-AM
6 p.m.: EWU Basketball Coaches Show 700-AM
All events subject to change