Social Calendar
“Scramble for Hospice” Golf Tournament – Raise money for the Hospice of Spokane with a scramble-format golf tournament including opportunities to purchase enhancements to better your score. Sign up as a team or as an individual. Friday, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Indian Canyon Golf Course, 4304 W. West Drive. $125. (509) 747-5353.
Same Dress Spokane – Same Dress Spokane will be auctioning off the dress used in this years photography project via eBay. 100% of the proceeds from the auction go directly to the Spokane Humane Society. The link to the auction will go live on the Same Dress Spokane Facebook page, Friday, 8 a.m. through Aug. 11. Visit #samedressspokane on Facebook and Instagram for more information. Free.
Evening at the Depot – Annual benefit auction to support the continued growth of the Dayton Historic Depot. Live music, buffet, wine and more to enjoy during the live and silent auctions. Saturday, 6-9 p.m. Dayton Historical Depot, 222. E. Commercial, Dayton. $45. (509) 382-2026.