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Spokane Chiefs

Carter Streek scores twice in Chiefs’ 4-1 win over Winterhawks

By Kevin Dudley For The Spokesman-Review

For the second straight game against the Portland Winterhawks, a team in contention for the Western Hockey League crown, the Spokane Chiefs played better from start to finish.

Carter Streek scored two goals and his line contributed three total in Spokane’s 4-1 win Friday night at the Arena in front of a sold-out crowd of 10,363. Ty Cheveldayoff had a goal and an assist, and Tommy De Luca contributed two assists.

Dawson Cowan stood tall in net again for Spokane, stopping 30 shots.

The line of Streek, Cheveldayoff and De Luca dominated the night and displayed the kind of chemistry for which Spokane’s been searching.

“We’ve been playing well the past couple of games,” Streek said. “Tonight was a really big night for us and we needed those points and it clicked. We’ve been snubbed the last couple games (as a team), but it came together tonight.”

The sellout crowd included family members of Chiefs players, as the team invited moms and dads to Spokane to see their sons play. The families couldn’t have picked a better game.

“It’s crazy to play in front of 10,000 fans. Everybody gets up for that,” Streek said. “It’s like some NHL-sized crowds and it’s definitely exciting.”

Before Streek’s line could show off, it was Spokane’s fourth line that got things going in the first period. Michael Cicek fed Kooper Gizowski in front of the net for a goal at 17:26 of the first. Then Streek scored his first goal with 56 seconds left in the first to give Spokane a 2-0 lead at the first intermission.

“We got off to a good start. Getting a couple goals late in the first helped and I thought our first was pretty strong,” Spokane head coach Ryan Smith said. “We’re playing pretty good hockey right now and we’re starting to see a few more goals go in.”

Marek Alscher got Portland on the board at 10:05 as the Winterhawks got traffic in front of Cowan.

Portland kept the pressure on the Chiefs in the the second, but then the Chiefs erupted for two goals in 36 seconds. First it was Cheveldayoff carrying the puck hard to the net and getting one past Portland goaltender Dante Giannuzzi.

“Chevy’s was a power move. That’s a powerful move by a big boy,” Smith said of Cheveldayoff’s goal.

Streek scored his second of the game before the public address announcer could finish announcing the Cheveldayoff goal. Streek skated in two-on-one with Tommy De Luca and scored his 13th of the season.

Portland had its moments of pressure, specifically in the second period and late in the game when the Winterhawks were pressing. Each time, Spokane’s defense was able to weather the storm and either get two quick goals–in the second–or get big stops by Cowan in net in the third.

“I thought (Portland) took it to us a bit in the second,” Smith said. “In the third we got into penalty problems which gives them momentum and zone time. To be able to fend that off is important and gives you confidence moving into games the rest of the year.”

Spokane killed all five of its penalties, including three in a six-minute span in the third. Spokane was scoreless on three power play opportunities.

The Chiefs are back at the Arena tonight to welcome the Tri-City Americans.