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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Correction and comments

A correction is needed for the March 30th column, “Errors as learning tools.”  The title was apropos, since I made an error in the column’s text, and I have learned to proofread more carefully as a result. When referring to a “free” left turn upon a red light indication in Washington, the text should have noted the allowed turn from a two-way to a one-way; not the other way around as stated. 

I received a couple dozen email admonishments over the foul-up, so at least I know certain readers are efficiently perusing!  Anyway, to clarify, no legal left turn may be made from a one-way to a two-way when facing a red light, but the legal left-on-red from a two-way to a one-way is indeed allowed in Washington.  You may make that turn when traffic from the right allows.

Along with the admonishing emails, several readers have recently submitted other comments and questions.  Dark window tint that obscures drivers in their cars seems to be a particularly persistent pet peeve.

K.M. had an interesting take on overly-tinted auto glass by commenting, “I hear complaints about pedestrians and bicyclists wearing dark clothing but nothing about not being able to see people who are piloting around 6000 lb single passenger things. Pulling up to intersections as someone charges up to stop sign with blacked out windows makes me wonder if the driver is looking at the road, me, their cell phone, or something unrelated to the safe operation of their vehicle. I have heard the comment that I don't need to know what they are looking at. Yes, I really do.”

His take on tint reflects the feeling of many drivers I have heard from.  As D.M. put it, “Driverless cars are here….in the form of we can’t see the driver!”

Responding to a column about time issues, P.B. added, “I often check with the map on my electronic devices to see what is the quickest route. But, you have to remember to add time to put on your coat, walk to the car (truck), and then add time at the other end to park, lock the car, walk to the destination, take the elevator and then arrive. I think that some people just see what the map program gives as travel time and so are frequently running late.”

P.B. makes a great point.  That’s sort of like budgeting for gas but forgetting about food and lodging for a road trip.  Take time to consider all aspects of travel before departure.

C.K. has reservations (like many others) over the current “road diet” modifications being made on Monroe Street.  He reported, “I read somewhere that the about-to-be Monroe Road Diet won’t have pulloffs for the STA buses.  If so, then STA is sure gonna win friends.”  I have not verified the accuracy of that detail, but have noted numerous strong and mixed opinions of the project that is currently underway to reduce the current configuration from five lanes to three.

Only time will reveal what effects of the Monroe “diet” will have on traffic flow and adjacent businesses.  While it may seem counter-intuitive to reduce available lanes for traffic on a major corridor with expanding traffic and population, it is part of a grand plan happening in many cities to reduce vehicle use and enhance pedestrian and public transportation use in the neighborhood.

Readers may contact Bill Love via e-mail at