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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Too Many Cooks

SAVORx launches Kickstarter campaign

Pete Taylor is serious about spice - a passion he'd like to share with a new business called SAVORx.

Taylor, a Coeur d'Alene chef who trained at the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy, and I met last summer to talk about his plans to launch the business. But he later put the idea on the back burner as he considered a tantalizing job offer.

Now, he's ready to get his spice and recipe business rolling. Taylor launched a Kickstarter campaign this week, hoping to raise $12,000 for SAVORx. Kickstarter is a crowd-source funding website that allows innovators to post a video detailing their business idea and solicit start-up money from people who like the idea.

The would-be entrepreneurs usually promise a little something in return for pledges. Taylor is offering serious stunts and swag for pledges to help get the business off the ground. He's up to tattooing someone's name or business name on his body and a trip to India with him and his film crew as they sniff out the world's best sources for spice.

“It’s the least I can do for someone that is helping me achieve my dream”, Taylor says in a news release. “This is a win/win for both of us, the viral aspect of this is HUGE, and the person/company would get some amazing publicity."

The idea behind SAVORx is to sell high-quality spices, along with recipes and videos of Taylor making the dishes. Taylor hopes to convince home cooks to toss the tired spices that have been kicking around cupboards since 1988 for whole, fresh spices that they toast and grind themselves.

Check out the video above for all the details. It might be worth pledging a little something just to see more of Taylor's reaction to the ghost pepper he eats in the video.

Here are some other places to get more details. The SAVORx website, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

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