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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

C-O-M-F-O-R-T, Tell You What It Means To Me

Compiled By Staff Writer Rick Bo

Forget respect. Rodney Dangerfield would rather just relax.

“There are more important things to me in my life than what people think,” Dangerfield, wearing freebie hotel slippers and socks slit at the top because they were too tight, told an interviewer in Los Angeles.

“The world has many, many morons who are worried what morons think of them. That’s very crude, I know, but I mean it.

“When I go out, I dress horribly. I don’t care what people think. My whole life is comfort. Comfort is the only thing. Look at my socks.”

At age 73, Dangerfield is busier than ever, working on his autobiography and co-writing a movie. He also has a World Wide Web site, a set of videotapes for sale and a new audio book, “La Contessa,” a parody of a romance novel.

Loose talk

David Attenborough (“The Private Life of Plants”), on the floral world: “Plants are hunters, murderers, sexual deceivers, empire builders. All sorts of things.” Shapely legs? She’s getting to be an old master

Suzanne Somers turns 49 today.

Maybe he could try starting another threesome

While secretary Nicoletta Mantovani told an Italian magazine she’s “extremely fond” of her boss, Luciano Pavarotti, she denies being pregnant by him and insists he “will never be the man of my life.” Adds the opera star: “However true or false my alleged relationship might be, I am not seeking a divorce because I don’t think this is the right way to solve marital problems.”

Diana’s just lucky his wife didn’t sock her

According to Princess Diana’s pals, she didn’t realize rugby star Will Carling was hooked on her until it was too late and his marriage was already breaking up. Di was reportedly willing to meet with his wife, Julia, in a reconciliation session but was told she wasn’t welcome.

Harassment? The idea never dawned on him

Tony Orlando says a sexual harassment lawsuit by two sisters who used to sing backup at his Branson, Mo. theater is nothing more than “scurrilous, ludicrous and baseless allegations.” The sisters are seeking unspecified damages for back pay, pain and suffering, medical bills, attorney fees and punitive damages resulting from an alleged “sexually hostile and abusive” work environment.

If she doth sneeze, you must get off your knees

We promised ourselves we’d swear off the O.J. Simpson stuff, but this is too good to pass up: According to Dominick Dunne in Vanity Fair magazine, would-be witness Rosa Lopez was tracked down in her native El Salvador by Mike Gabriel, a 28-year-old ventriloquist and “teacher of cat yoga” from Baltimore who saw Lopez on TV and wanted to marry her until he found out she’s allergic to cats.

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The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = Compiled by staff writer Rick Bonino