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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. Helen Keller could neither hear nor see but could always identify each of her friends when one came into the room. How?

A. Sense of smell.

California’s Sacramento has more unlisted phone numbers proportionately than any other sizable city nationwide - at 64.7 percent. Florida’s Sarasota, proportionately fewer - 6.5 percent.

Q. How many drive-in theaters are still showing in this country?

A. About 850 at last count.

Enduring social etiquette of Japan decrees that the first person to raise the voice loses the argument.

Star Trek reruns are showing up on TV in more than 100 countries.

If you’re going to warm up a frozen pizza, add a little oregano. Such is the advice of a highly experienced frozen-pizza warme-rupper.

In Egypt, 8,000 judges deal with 10 million cases. Typically there, a judge is supposed to oversee the disposition one way or another of 800 cases a day.

Mink eat meat. Usually rare. Very rare.

Q. Did the earliest Americans eat pancakes?

A. Of sorts, but not of the modern variety. Frying of flippable flapjacks was first put on public demonstration in a New York department store window on March 25, 1882. Upper-crust onlookers said something like, “Mahvelous!”

What do you know about elephant toes? At hand is a report that the African elephant has only three toes on each hind foot while the Indian elephant has more. Four. Or five. Its evolution evidently hasn’t settled down, and the way things are going, what with the cost of feed and all, it might never get a standard hind-foot toe count.

John Florence Sullivan was one of America’s more famous comedians - under the name of Fred Allen.

Q. Our teachers get an average of 14 weeks a year vacation. How many weeks do Italy’s teachers get?

A. About 17.

Q. What’s the rodent that barks?

A. Prairie dog.

How big is the horseshoe size No. 0? Some horses wear it.