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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. What’s the most common first name for U.S. presidents?

A. James Madison, Monroe, Polk, Buchanan, Garfield, or a variation, Carter.

Half the 100 people who die every year in snowmobile accidents are listed as drownings.

A snake’s stomach is in the front fifth of its body.

You hear a great deal about those historic lawmen called the Texas Rangers, but not all that much about the Georgia Rangers, who were in action a century earlier.

“Adunc” means “curving inward.” Comes in handy when you want to describe a parrot’s beak.

Q. Do any large U.S. cities have a higher annual death rate than birth rate?

A. Only Pittsburgh among the biggest 50 cities, according to the 1990 census.

When talking of the moon, perfectionists accept the phrase “the far side,” but not “the dark side.” There is no dark side, they say.

Q. Where and when was the zero invented?

A. Can only report the first known use of a symbol for zero was in India in A.D. 876.