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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. I just read that one of the greatest inventions of all time was “the ribbon machine.” What’s that?

A. Corning’s mechanical marvel of the 1920s to mass-produce light bulbs.

Some cheap wines contain eggs.

Client writes: “John Wesley Hardin was bad, all bad. Not only was he the most vicious killer in the Old West, he was a lawyer.”

If you’d like to be a leader, consider the wise John Erskine’s simplified definition: “… A leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up and goes.”

In the vernacular of rural England, a cow with crooked horns is called a “crummy.”

Fifty-seven percent of the unmarried couples who’ve lived together a year say they intend to get married. Eighteen percent say they don’t. Twenty-five percent say they’re still thinking it over. So report the impertinent survey-takers.

“Never make an omelet with cold eggs!” So decrees an exacting chef. “They must be at room temperature,” he says. “That’s important.” To him.

Report is the cost in Vietnam now of a new Honda Accord is $55,000.

The stingray, with eyes on the top of its head and mouth underneath, never sees the food it eats.

One scholar contends no other facial expression, not even the frown, is as universally understood as the smile.

That rules-of-thumb sage Tom Parker reports the quality of the cuisine in restaurants is said by some to be inversely proportional to the size of the pepper grinders.

There was a time in Italy’s Florence when it was illegal for women to wear buttons.