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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

How many men does the average American woman kiss before she gets married? Our Love and War man does not accept the pollsters’ finding of 79 men. He does not believe interviewers can get accurate statistics on kissing.

Bats are more closely related to humans, biologically, than to mice.

Q. How many kids reach age 18 with both parents still alive?

A. More than 90 percent. That’s alive, not necessarily still at home. Lagniappe: In colonial Virginia, both parents of only 31 percent of the 18-year-olds were still alive.

Q. Just how valid is “handwriting analysis”?

A. Am not qualified to say, but those who purport to be so contend it’s only as valid as the analyst, and analysts vary. The Library of Congress classifies handwriting analysis as “individual psychology.”

If it’s adapted to running, you can call it “cursorial” Cursorial bird. Cursorial horse. Cursorial nose? Maybe not that one.

Q. What are the five most popular college majors?

A. In descending order: business administration, psychology, engineering, teacher education and English/literature.

Q. Do flamingos breed in captivity?

A. Only in southern Florida so far, research reveals.