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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. What big U.S. city has the most trees?

A. Atlanta, according to a Forest Service report.

Owls kill vampire bats.

If a stack of 1 million U.S. $1 bills weighs 2,000 pounds, how much does a stack of one million $5 bills weigh? This query has been known to trick a few preschoolers and an occasional morning drinker.

Until approximately age 12, boys cry about as frequently as girls do.

Q. Do arrows turn clockwise or counterclockwise?

A. For right-handed archers, clockwise. For left-handed archers, counterclockwise. Usually.

Q. When did the United States outlaw the growing of hemp?

A. In 1937. Same year Women’s Day magazine turned up in the A&P stores at 3 cents a copy. First shopping carts appeared in Oklahoma City markets. And a Connecticut woman named Margaret Fogarty Rudkin installed an oven in a stable and baked whole-wheat bread therein on the family’s 120-acre Pepperidge Farm.

If the male name Murray came down from the Celtic - as it so often did - it meant “sailor.”