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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

In World War II, the Dickin Medal for Valor, an award only for animals of inhuman variety, was given to eight dogs, three horses, 31 pigeons and a cat.

Q. Where do TV’s Rosie O’Donnell and her two children live?

A. In what long had been known as the Helen Hayes house up the Hudson in New York state.

French for “sour wine” is “vin aigre - file this - whence: “vinegar.”

When you look at a full moon, you see an area only about a fifth the size of Africa.

The Spanish-American War, when wars were winnable by those committed to win them, lasted 10 weeks.

What’s the difference between a laborer, a craftsman and an artist? “One who works with the hands is a laborer. The hands and the brain, a craftsman. The hands and the brain and the heart, an artist.” So said, I suspect, an artist.

Item No. 1729C in our Love and War man’s file is the recorded advice of experienced wives to unmarried girls in 15th-century England: “Does he clink his coins with glee? Pass him by. Misers make unholy lovers.”