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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Cool Gifts Can Prove Beneficial

“The best gifts show that you pay attention to the details in her life,” says San Francisco-based sex and relationship columnist Isadora Alman. To that end, Men’s Health gathered “a panel of cool women” who offered these ideas in the December issue: Sign her (and you) up for dancing, wine tasting or flying lessons. Take her away skinny-dipping in a secluded pond (women polled said this guarantees sex), for a weekend at a B&B, on a surprise vacation. Reminisce - restore her favorite photo and have it framed or buy an airline ticket for her best friend to visit her and send them both out to dinner.

Rapidly rising film/TV star Helen Hunt on her life at 34: “The truth of it is, I have been working quietly on balance, trying to have a personal life. I want to pursue this ever growing thing called my career. At the same time, I look at women with children and I think, ‘Who am I kidding?’ What I’m doing is kindergarten compared to that. That’s when it gets real. Until that happens, I’m in training.” (From Dec. 15 Time)

Have a headache? If December stress has your head pounding, you aren’t alone. Women suffer through 65 percent of the tension-type headaches - which may last several hours to several days. And the average frequency of the headaches? As many as 15 a month (although we’re willing to bet that’s an average, with no headaches in June and perhaps as many as three a day in December.) (From December Glamour)

Eyelashes, hair, what’s next? While an item in the December Self addressed the latest trends in hair mascara, we weren’t even aware there is such a thing as hair mascara. We stand enlightened to this fashion statement and pass along the latest in hues: chestnut tones for blondes, burgundy and gold for brunettes and redheads. For best effect, frame your face with the colored streaks.

Like the look of afterglow? The perks of sex on a regular basis: “Clearer, brighter skin, thanks to elevated estrogen levels and being more attractive to men thanks to more pheromones. Eyes that glow thanks to more restful sleep. A ready smile. A rosy complexion. Whether it’s given you the impetus to wear that sexy blouse or you still want to be hugged so you steal his sweatshirt, anything looks good on you.” (From December Jane magazine) , DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color photo

MEMO: Susan English is the Weekend Editor at The Spokesman-Review, contact her by mail at 999 W. Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201; by e-mail at or by phone at 459-5488.

Susan English is the Weekend Editor at The Spokesman-Review, contact her by mail at 999 W. Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201; by e-mail at or by phone at 459-5488.