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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Voices Soar With Christmas Cheer

Maisy Fernandez Correspondent

The man in room 332 at Holy Family Hospital left tears in everyone’s eyes and warmth in their hearts. This year will likely be his last Christmas.

The terminal patient was showered with music and love in his hospital room when he was paid a visit by The Voices of Tomlinson Black, a group of real estate professionals who raise dwindling holiday spirits with their caroling.

As the Voices walked the halls of the hospital and harmonized, a nurse told them a patient had requested they sing for him. He was in room 332.

The group started last year when Julie Dein proposed the idea to others at the office and the response was enthusiastic. This year, they held practices during the month of November and started performing Dec. 2. Their last performance is today.

The Voices don’t just sing, though. They interact, squeezing the hands and shoulders of those in the audience, showing them compassion and attention. “It’s more than singing,” said bookkeeper Cyndie Gonzales. “It’s an emotional thing.”

Many Voices members have friends or loved ones who are confined to hospitals and assisted living facilities, and that’s where the performances are needed and appreciated, said Dein, a Realtor and member of the chorus.

“This can be a melancholy time of year for elders. Many aren’t visited by family or friends during the holidays,” Dein said.

The seasonal depression is being changed into happiness, judging from reactions. “It’s wonderful to see the smiles, the tears and the toes tapping,” Dein said. “We want to promote good memories for them. To let them know they’re important, they matter and are valuable members of our community,” Dein said.

Singers arrange their work and home lives around performance schedules, which take place at various times of the day.

“The essence is significant whether we perform for a few or a lot. We feel the performances in our hearts, not just our voices,” Dein said.

“I look forward to it with anticipation. It’s nice to be able to share and support people,” said Realtors assistant Bev Wright, another Voices member.

When they sang in room 332, a spiritual bonding took place, leaving everyone, including hospital staff, in tears. They were moved by overwhelming energy and holiday spirit, Dein said.

The man will not be forgotten.

Other members of the group are: Rich Alegria, Frank Burger, Pat Burns, Len Daniel, Jack Dein, Gere Devore, Craig Fritsch, Deann Gleason, Ed and Ann Gunning, Janell Hunt, Bob and Ann Kem, Tom and Kathy Konis, Karen McMaken, Marv Nordhagen, Shane O’Neill, Kristine Rancor, Steve and Shari Russell, Robin Smith, Linda Walker.

What can the community do to further their cause?

Remember: ‘Tis better to give than receive. Don’t waste time bickering; appreciate your loved ones. Help someone out if you can. Take a breather from the ruckus and share in the holiday spirit…all year long.

Merry Christmas.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo

MEMO: Created in support of the Spokane County Health Improvement Partnership (HIP), Discoveries highlights people working to improve community health and well-being. If you have a discovery that deserves recognition, call 742-3660. Or visit their Web site at

Created in support of the Spokane County Health Improvement Partnership (HIP), Discoveries highlights people working to improve community health and well-being. If you have a discovery that deserves recognition, call 742-3660. Or visit their Web site at