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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. Isn’t “stewardesses” the longest word that can be keyboarded with the left hand only?

A. It ties with “reverberated.” If there’s a longer one, tell me.

“Technicolor” was named in honor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Q. I know the male orchid wasp of South America dives into blossoms, not for the edible nectar, but for the perfume. The female orchid wasp supposedly likes that perfume. So the male covers himself with it, to make himself irresistible to the female. Does it work?

A. The wasps are multiplying.

A horse digests its food twice as fast as a cow.

Q. Ask your Love and War man: Is it really a sign of weakness to apologize?

A. Try this: The frequent apology, only to make yourself feel better, suggests weakness. The rare apology, only to make somebody else feel better, suggests strength.

Report is the veterans of World War II are dying at the rate of 30,000 a month now.

In that matter of smoking, a girl tends to do it, if her mother did, and not, if her mother didn’t. Whether her father smoked is irrelevant. Or so say the behavioral researchers.