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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

You don’t find hosts like John Singer Sargent anymore. He made sizable sums painting portraits around the last turn of the century, so decided to share. In the foyer of his London home, he kept a basketful of money and invited his guests to take handfuls. How long this went on is not in the record at hand.

Many more pornographic than family magazines, proportionately, are found along roadsides. Highway cleaner-uppers assume most readers of raunch toss out such literature so it won’t be found in their own trash bins.

It was in 1917 that O. F. Rohwedder invented the bread slicer, and it turned out to be the most important invention since … I don’t know what.

How many bones your cat has depends on the length of its tail.

Neither the married nor the never married are as likely, statistically, to commit suicide as are those who’ve lost their matrimonial mates through divorce or death. Better to have loved and lost? Don’t know.

One of the Bank of England’s buildings is heated by a furnace that burns nothing but worn-out money.

Almost always, the greenery atop the ice on salad bars is kale.