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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Sixty percent of the U.S. soldiers sent into the Persian Gulf war were married. Of those, 40 percent weren’t married when they came home or shortly thereafter. An extraordinarily high divorce rate.

Reynolds Aluminum started out in 1919 as the U.S. Foil Co. to furnish tinfoil to wrap cigarette packs.

During World War I, any French army officer revealed to be homosexual was permitted to lead his unit into battle with the understanding he’d take a bullet. Prescribed punishment otherwise was execution.

Scholars say no time in history has been without starving people.

Before you’re born, your brain forms a neural map of your body parts. That’s why some amputees can still feel the pain in a lost arm or leg. Just because the phone has gone down doesn’t mean the switchboard’s out.

Both Bob Newhart and Confucius were accountants before they started doing what made them famous.

A “misomaniac” hates everything.

In Elvis Presley’s estate were 50 guns, including three machine guns.