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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Get in shape for a season of junking

Cheryl-Anne Millsap The Spokesman-Review

Each year, before the major league baseball teams hit the playing field they go to camp to get in shape and hone their skills.

With longer days and warm weekends on the way, the garage sale, estate sale and flea market season is getting under way. So why not hold spring training for treasure hunters?

It never hurts to go over the basics, so here are my tips for junking like a professional:

Stretch your money – I have a friend who empties each day’s loose change into a big jar. She saves it to spend at garage sales and flea markets. The sellers are usually glad to get the coins for making change, and it makes my friend feel like she’s not taking anything extra out of the budget to fund her junk habit.

Get your equipment ready –Take the time to gather your tools and put a “junkers tool kit” in the car. Toss in an old blanket and some twine or rope for those bulky pieces that have to be strapped to the top of the car or tied to the back. When you head out for the estate sales or the flea market, take along a large, sturdy, shopping bag or rolling cart. Having something to hold your purchases cuts down on trips to the car – leaving you more time to shop – and eases back strain. Keep a few plastic bags from the grocery store in the car, as well. Bags can be in short supply at garage sales and extras can come in handy.

Stay healthy – Make a survival kit that includes Band-Aids, hand cleaner, wet wipes and throw in a roll of paper towels for those treasures that aren’t so clean and shiny. Don’t forget the sunscreen.

Pace yourself – When you plan to spend a long summer Saturday searching for antiques and collectibles, bring along plenty of water bottles and snacks. A brown bag lunch is always a good idea. It saves you time, money and calories when you aren’t tempted to stop for a fast-food break.

Play ball – Get out there and have a good time. Armed with a copy of the garage sale ads, a map and all the tools you need for a day spent looking for something wonderful, it’s easy to have fun and come home a winner.


Antique Show and Sale at the Fairgrounds

The 30th Annual Custer’s Spring Antiques and Collectors sale will be at the Spokane Fair and Expo Center, on the corner of Broadway and Havana in Spokane Valley, today through Sunday.

More than 300 dealers will be selling furniture, jewelry, crystal and china, linens, tools and other collectibles.

Wilson’s Crystal and Glass Repair will be on hand to repair chipped glassware and crystal.

Hours are from 4 to 9 p.m. today, Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The $5 admission is good all weekend. For more information, call 924-0588 or go to