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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Best-selling books

The Spokesman-Review


1. True Believer”

Nicholas Sparks (Warner, $24.95)

2. The Mermaid Chair”

Sue Monk Kidd (Viking, $24.95)

3.The Da Vinci Code”

Dan Brown (Doubleday, $24.95)

4. “No Place Like Home”

Mary Higgins Clark (Simon & Schuster, $25.95)

5.Revenge of the Sith”

Matthew Stover (Lucas/Del Rey/Ballantine, $25.95)

6. The Innocent”

Harlan Coben (Dutton, $26.95)

7. “In the Company of Cheerful Ladies”

Alexander McCall Smith (Pantheon, $19.95)

8. “Ya-Yas in Bloom”

Rebecca Wells (HarperCollins, $24.95)

9. “Superstition”

Karen Robards (Putnam, $24.95)

10. Saturday”

Ian McEwan (Doubleday, $26)


1. “The World is Flat”

Thomas L. Friedman (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $27.50)

2. “Blink”

Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown, $25.95)

3. “My Life So Far”

Jane Fonda (Random House, $26.95)

4. “Freakonomics”

Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner (Morrow, $25.95)

5. “One Soldier’s Story”

Bob Dole (HarperCollins, $25.95)

6. “On Bull——”

Harry G. Frankfurt (Princeton University, $9.95)

7. “Baby Laughs”

Jenny McCarthy (Dutton, $19.95)

8. “Under and Alone”

William Queen (Random House, $24.95)

9. “A Deficit of Decency”

Zell Miller (Stroud & Hall, $27.95)

10. “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”

Michael Savage (Nelson Current/Thomas Nelson, $25.99)

Paperback fiction

1. “The Taking”

Dean Koontz (Bantam, $7.99)

2. The Kite Runner”

Khaled Hosseini (Riverhead, $14)

3. A Loving Scoundrel”

Johanna Lindsey (Pocket Star, $7.99)

4. Nighttime is My Time”

Mary Higgins Clark (Pocket Books, $7.99)

5. “Kiss Me While I Sleep”

Linda Howard (Ballantine, $7.99)

6. Just One Look”

Harlan Coben (Signet, $7.99)

7. “Angels & Demons”

Dan Brown (Pocket Star, $7.99)

8. R is For Ricochet”

Sue Grafton (Berkley, $7.99)

9. “Blind Alley”

Iris Johansen (Bantam, $7.99)

10. Therapy”

Jonathan Kellerman (Ballantine, $7.99)

Paperback nonfiction

1. “The Tipping Point”

Malcolm Gladwell (Back Bay, $14.95)

2. “Reading Lolita in Tehran”

Azar Nafisi (Random House, $13.95)

3. “The Devil in the White City”

Erik Larson (Vintage, $14.95)

4. “Dreams From My Father”

Barack Obama (Three Rivers, $13.95)

5. “Me Talk Pretty One Day”

David Sedaris (Back Bay/Little, Brown, $14.95)

6. “Tuesdays With Morrie”

Mitch Albom (Broadway, $11.95)

7. “The Fabric of the Cosmos”

Brian Greene (Vintage, $15.95)

8. “The Bookseller of Kabul”

Asne Seierstad (Back Bay/Little, Brown, $12.95)

9. “What’s the Matter With Kansas?”

Thomas Frank (Owl/Holt, $14)

10. “Guns, Germs and Steel”

Jared Diamond (Norton, $16.95)