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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Test your obscurity IQ

Fifi Rodriguez King Features Syndicate

1. ASTRONOMY: How many major stars make up the Big Dipper?

2. GEOGRAPHY: The tiny country of Djibouti lies on which continent?

3. POLITICS: Which leader of a foreign government has the nickname “El Jefe Maximo”?

4. BUSINESS: What company produced the Frisbee?

5. INVENTIONS: When was the transistor invented?

6. LITERATURE: What was the name of the attorney introduced in a series of books by Erle Stanley Gardner?

7. MEDICAL: What is the medical name of the condition called “shingles”?

8. U.S. STATES: What is Wyoming’s nickname?

9. MEASUREMENTS: What is the closest metric equivalent to an acre?

10. MOVIES: What actor provided the voice of Woody in the animated film “Toy Story”?


1. Seven

2. Africa

3. Fidel Castro

4. Wham-O

5. 1947, Bell Telephone Laboratories

6. Perry Mason

7. Herpes zoster

8. Equality State

9. Hectare

10. Tom Hanks