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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

We now crown you Miss Hap

Crystle Stewart (Associated Press / The Spokesman-Review)

Miss USA has learned a simple lesson from her humiliating tumble during the Miss Universe pageant – the second year in a row that the American contestant has taken a spill.

“I think I’m going to have to take some walking classes,” says Crystle Stewart.

“Things happen,” adds Stewart, 26. “I“m perfectly fine. I’m going to move back to New York and get on with my life.”

During the 2007 Miss Universe contest in Mexico City, Miss USA Rachel Smith also tumbled during the evening gown competition and became an unintended YouTube video star.

Says Stewart: “I always wondered, ‘My God, if that happened to me, what would I do?’ ”

She found out Monday in Hanoi, when she did the same thing at this year’s pageant.

“My dress has beautiful beads on the bottom of it, and I stepped on my gown and they made me slip. It was like I was on Rollerblades.”

Stewart, a motivational speaker, plans to turn her mishap into a lesson.

“Sometimes you fall in life, not just in the pageant but financially or emotionally,” she says. “It’s not about the fall, but how you pick yourself up.”

Geddy with anticipation

Rush is coming to “The Colbert Report” tonight – and we’re not talking Limbaugh.

The Canadian band, which hasn’t performed on U.S. television since 1975, will play its classic “Tom Sawyer” on the Comedy Central show.

It’s the latest in a line of musical guests lined up by Stephen Colbert, host of the faux talk show. The rapper Nas will perform Wednesday, Toby Keith will return for a second performance on July 28 and Crosby, Stills and Nash will play on July 30.

She’s still not coming home

Actor Jon Voight, who’s been estranged from daughter Angelina Jolie for many years, says he’s “so excited” that she gave birth to twins in southern France.

“My heart is with them and all my love goes to them,” he said of Jolie, Brad Pitt and new arrivals Vivienne Marcheline and Knox Leon.

Jailkeeping up with Khloe

Khloe Kardashian’s next dose of reality will involve the county jail.

The “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” reality show star and youngest daughter of late O.J. Simpson attorney Robert Kardashian has admitted to violating her probation from a 2007 drunken driving arrest.

Kardashian, 23, was ordered to surrender Friday and serve up to 30 days in jail, and enroll in an alcohol treatment program.

What, no Yakov Smirnov?

Ninety years after he was executed, Czar Nicholas II is leading a tight race to be named the greatest Russian in history.

His closest competitors? Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state that killed the last czar and his entire family.

The birthday bunch

Actor-singer Ruben Blades is 60. Drummer Stewart Copeland (The Police) is 56. Dancer Michael Flatley (“Lord of the Dance”) is 50. Actress Phoebe Cates is 45. Country singer Craig Morgan is 44. Actor Will Ferrell is 41. Actor Corey Feldman is 37. Singer-guitarist Ed Kowalczyk (Live) is 37. Actor Mark Indelicato (“Ugly Betty”) is 14.