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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Hitting, throwing infant is abuse

Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: My husband and I recently had our first child. We take turns taking care of the baby so we can each get some rest.

When “Jimmy” was 3 weeks old, he had colic and cried nonstop for several days. My husband got mad, said he couldn’t deal with this and threw the baby on the bed. When Jimmy was 4 months old, he caught a cold and cried day and night for a week. I caught my husband hitting and yelling at him.

I told my husband if he hits or throws Jimmy again, I will take our son and leave. Is this a normal reaction to the stress of an infant, or is it the beginning of child abuse? I am exhausted, too, but I never feel angry with Jimmy the way my husband does. Am I overreacting? – Worried New Mom

Dear Worried: Overreacting? You’re not reacting enough. Hitting and throwing an infant is child abuse. Period. Your husband may be unprepared for the responsibilities of fatherhood, and yes, it can be stressful to be sleep-deprived while caring for a crying infant, but that doesn’t justify his behavior. Please don’t wait until it happens again. The next time could be fatal, and you’ll never forgive yourself for not taking action sooner. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline ( at (800) 799-SAFE (800-799-7233) and get some assistance. Do it now.

Dear Annie: My 21-year-old niece has been dealing with a drinking problem since high school. I also have a drinking problem that only my husband and kids know about. My husband, who was having a serious talk with my niece, decided it was in her best interest to tell her about my problem.

I am very private and want no one to know about my drinking because of the stigma attached. I don’t want my parents or siblings to have to worry about me or look at me differently. I am doing quite well keeping this under control.

I can’t be certain my niece will blab this information to everyone, but somehow, I think she will eventually. Do you think my husband had good reason to tell her? I don’t see how it would help, and it sure made me angry. Shouldn’t such personal information come directly from me? – Upset Wife

Dear Upset: Your husband should have asked you first if it was OK to give your niece this information, but you can’t put the cat back in the bag. It is very possible that learning her aunt has a similar problem was comforting to your niece and will inspire her to work harder to control her drinking. In fact, the two of you may share a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. We think having this information will do more good than harm, and we hope you will forgive your husband so you can be a source of encouragement to your niece.

Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar write for Creators Syndicate.