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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Trivia teaser

By Fifi Rodriguez King Features Syndicate

1. Mythology: A satyr is a mythical creature that is half man and half what?

2. Military: What is a dreadnought?

3. Famous Quotations: Who said, “That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.”

4. Psychology: What fear is represented by the condition called gamophobia?

5. Language: What does the Greek prefix “intro” mean?

6. Geography: Where is the Denali National Park and Preserve?

7. Movies: What is the name of Sigourney Weaver’s cat in the “Alien” movie series?

8. Entertainers: What was the name of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen’s most famous puppet?

9. History: What land did Alexander the Great rule as king?

10. Music: Which rock group recorded the hit “Walk This Way”?


1. Goat or horse

2. A heavily armored battleship

3. Thomas Jefferson

4. Fear of marriage

5. Within

6. Alaska

7. Jones or Jonesy

8. Charlie McCarthy

9. Macedon, or Macedonia

10. Aerosmith