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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Centegenerian: Maria Giuseppa (Pistilli) Primiani

Maria Giuseppa (Pistilli) Primiani (Courtesy of the family)
The Spokesman-Review
Maria Giuseppa (Pistilli) Primiani is celebrating her 100th birthday today. She was born Sept. 12, 1910, in Vinchiaturo, Molise, Italy. She has lived in Spokane for the past 57 years. Primiani met her husband, Bernardino Primiani, when their families were neighbors in Italy. They were married in 1925. He died in 1960, after 35 years of marriage. Ever since she can remember, Primiani dreamed of coming to the United States. That dream was realized when she and her husband and children moved to Spokane in 1953 from Canada. Primiani worked for 11 years at Smith Greenhouses, and for 14 years at Lilac City Nursing Homes. She has always enjoyed crocheting and gardening. Primiani credits her long and healthy life to gardening, good Italian pasta and eating a lot of fruit. When asked what has been the most memorable moment in the past 100 years, Primiani mentioned living for 20 years in fascist Italy and remembers both world wars, specifically World War II. She also mentioned the many great memories and experiences she had in Italy. Primiani has three children: Anna Iliakis, Spokane; Frank Primiani, Renton, Wash.; and the late Pasqualina Pezzente. She has eight grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and four great-great- grandchildren.