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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Share your thoughts on ‘Dustin’

It’s time to tell us what you think about “Dustin.”

The strip about a twentysomething slacker who moves back home with his family after college has been running on our weekday comics pages on a trial basis for the past two weeks.

Now that you’ve had a chance to become familiar with it, we want your verdict.

Call our comics line at (509) 459-3814, or send an email to, and rate “Dustin” on a scale of one to five, with one being the worst and five being the best. Also please state your age and gender, to give us a better idea what types of readers it does, or doesn’t, appeal to.

Since it’s not fair to rate an unfamiliar comic without seeing a few weeks’ worth first, no votes submitted on “Dustin” before now have been counted.

“Dustin” is the second strip we’ve tested in the spot previously occupied by “Get Fuzzy,” following “Pickles.” We plan to test two more comics there before deciding which new strip, or strips, to add to our daily lineup.

We also will continue to test new comic panels in place of “6 Chix.” Voting on its current replacement, “The Argyle Sweater,” will begin next week.

And as always, sincere thanks for your help.

– Rick Bonino, Features Editor