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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Pool workout keeps body in motion

Mary Squillace McClatchy-Tribune

Sure, an icy dip in the pool is a welcome relief on a hot summer day, but your local watering hole is also the perfect site for your next workout.

Situate yourself in the shallow end of a pool where you can stand comfortably with both feet on the ground and the water comes up to between your belly button and chest. Then do the following routine as an interval-style workout, completing each move for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat the sequence three times.


Begin with 5 minutes of jogging in place.

Cross-country ski

1. Stand with your feet together. Step your left foot forward as you extend your right arm in front of you.

2. With your right hand cupped, pull your arm straight back toward your body against the resistance of the water.

3. Once your right arm returns to the side of your body, repeat the move with your right foot and left arm. Your movements should be continuous and fluid (picture the movements of a cross-country skier).

Rocking horse

1. Begin in a split stance position with your left foot in front of your right. Extend your arms at your sides and your hands should be cupped.

2. Balance for a moment on your back right foot. Then, shift your weight onto your left foot as you turn your palms forward, pushing your arms through the water so they’re extended in front of you.

3. Quickly rock back onto your right foot as you pull your arms back to the starting position.

4. Continue to rock back and forth as quickly and continuously as possible. At the halfway point (20 seconds) swap the position of your feet.

Side steps

1. Stand with your feet together facing the edge of the pool.

2. Step out to the side with your left foot. At the same time, while keeping your arms underwater, sweep both of your arms across your body toward your left hip.

3. Step your right foot to meet your left foot. That’s one rep. Repeat on the other side by stepping and sweeping your arms to the right.

Half jacks

1. Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides and cupped hands.

2. Jump your feet out wider than hips-distance apart while opening your arms into a T-shape. Keep your palms facing down and your arms submerged.

3. Jump your feet together as you push your arms down to the sides of the body. That’s one rep.