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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Ask Dr. K: Botox can treat chronic migraines

Anthony L. Komaroff Universal Uclick

DEAR DOCTOR K: I suffer from chronic migraine headaches. My doctor mentioned Botox injections as a possible treatment. Can you tell me more?

DEAR READER: Botox can do much more than remove wrinkles. Botox – short for botulinum toxin – is a substance made by the bacteria responsible for botulism. This is a foodborne illness that causes paralysis and sometimes death. When purified and diluted to very small concentrations, however, Botox is a safe and useful drug.

Botox is a muscle relaxant. Tense muscles under the skin tug the skin and cause wrinkles, and that’s why the first use of Botox as a treatment was as a wrinkle-buster. Since then, however, many other medical conditions that are caused by tense muscles have been treated successfully with Botox.

Clinical trials have found that Botox injections reduce the frequency of headaches in people with chronic migraine headaches. In 2010, the FDA approved Botox for this purpose. But Botox treatment has been shown to be effective only for chronic migraine headaches – migraines suffered at least 15 days a month.

At the same time, Botox is not the first treatment to try for chronic migraines. It is more risky and expensive than various pills and works no better. In fact, some people with chronic migraines benefit from even simpler treatments. For example, apply a heating pad to your neck and shoulders every day. Consider massage, ultrasound or gentle stretching to relieve muscle tightness.

If you decide to try Botox therapy, find a doctor who has experience doing the injections. This treatment requires 31 injections to be given in various locations along the head, neck and shoulders.

Be aware that Botox therapy requires repeat injections, and the benefits may last only a few months after each treatment. Most of my patients with chronic migraines get relief from other, simpler treatments. But for some, Botox has been a boon.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. To send questions, go to