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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth archive for Nov. 13, 2008

THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 2008

This Land is Your Land

In the time it would take you to whistle that Woody Guthrie classic you could effectively inform the Spokane City Council that you want better land use a priority. In an effort to better understand their constituents, the City Council has created a survey to…

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Down To Earth: Extra, Extra, Read all about it!

There’s a lot brewing at the Down To Earth camp. The inaugural issue of “Down To Earth: A Guide To Green Living” is now available at local businesses throughout the Inland Northwest, further strengthening the Spokesman-Review’s commitment to environmental news and sustainability in our community.…

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Food for thought

In case you missed it, read the story in the Spokesman-Review today about the new biodiesel plant called Inland Empire Seeds in Odessa, west of Spokane. While biodiesel remains a controversial alternative energy source, check this curious passage: Doug Bartlett is the CEO and president…

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Do not mail

Remember our daily tip on stopping junk mail last week? It was annoying as the problem itself. Well, here we go again… The facts remain though: More than 100 million trees a year are logged to produce junk mail which creates carbon emissions equivalent to…

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Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.