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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Free Rooftop BBQ Party for wilderness tonight!

Tonight from 5-9pm on the Saranac rooftop at 25 W. Main, come join Conservation Northwest for the "Free Rooftop BBQ Party for Wilderness." The event goes from 5-9 pm with burgers, beer, wine, prizes and music by Mark Walker Rhodes

At the party you can write a letter to the Forest Service supporting a balanced amount of designated wilderness areas on the Kettle Crest and Colville Nationall Forest for the benefit of wildlife, hikers, and other quiet, non-motorized recreation. Then kick back and enjoy delicious burgers, wine, beer, soda, and live music for free!

The Colville National Forest is a paradise for motorized and non-motorized recreation, with only 3% protected as wilderness, one of the smallest amounts of any national forest in the West. Wilderness areas bring balance to the forest, ensuring habitat for rare wildlife and quiet recreation opportunities for present and future generations of hikers, bird watchers, snowshoers, and other non-mechanized recreation. Your letter will make a difference for the lands you love to hike during this important public comment period.

Again, the event is free. Everyone is welcome, so invite your outdoorsy friends! RSVP on Facebook HERE.

Sponsored by

Conservation Northwest
Kettle Range Conservation Group
Spokane Audubon Society
Spokane Mountaineers
The Lands Council
Upper Columbia River Group-Sierra Club
Washington Trails Association

For more information contact or (509) 747-1663.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.