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The Slice archive for Jan. 1, 2012

SUNDAY, JAN. 15, 2012

Today's vintage Spokane beer bottle

Be sure to read the label. Without drugs? You might enjoy the site below. The guy behind it is in Indiana, but apparently he has a particular interest in the old Schade Brewery here. The fact that his name is Schade might have something…

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Near and far

My wife has a Twitter friend in Connecticut who found a gift for her on the Etsy crafts site. So this woman back East went ahead and ordered the item and had it sent to my wife. It came from Post Falls.

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SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 2012

Outside the Huck's Natural Living sale 

After employing the most rigorous survey methodology (glancing around the parking lot), I am ready to report my findings. 1. Those shopping at the big Huckleberry's sale drive a pretty typical cross-section of vehicles. Maybe a few less pickups than you might find elsewhere in…

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What's your Saturday morning uniform?

We don't all have the same schedules, of course. And I guess it almost goes without saying that we do not all engage in the exact same weekend activities. Then there's the fact that not everyone likes blue jeans and sweatshirts. Moreover, there are plenty…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 2012

Spokane would be even whiter if... 

...there had never been an Air Force base here. That's the contention of longtime Slice reader Tim Wink. (He was responding to a question in the print column about how this area would be different if there had never been a base here.) It would…

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Feel free to prove me wrong 10 

In Monday's print Slice, my ender line will allude to the fact that there are not a lot of good movies with skiing as a theme. After writing that, I got to thinking that I should have stated it more strongly. That is, if there…

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Just for starters

Because of the way modern engines work, I guess it's less of an issue for those with newer cars. But once upon a time, starting a vehicle on cold mornings took a combination of skill, patience and prayer. Whether one chose to wheedle, plead, coax…

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THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 2012

Remodeling the SR newsroom

It's already under way. I think this is the look they're going for. It's my understanding that white shirts and neckties will be optional. And here's the guy in charge of the big cleanup that preceded the actual remodeling. We were approached about being…

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Reasons most no longer worry about...

...phoning someone at dinnertime. 1. "Dinnertime" has become a fluid concept. 2. Assumption that recipient will be pleased to get the call since you aren't a telemarketer spouting some line of bull about improving credit card interest rates. 3. Many people no longer think of…

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Boomer boys as sound-effects artists 

Some boys excelled at making "the crowd goes wild" sounds while tossing a football to themselves in the backyard. Others specialized in simulating the noise made by screeching tires while playing with toy cars and executing impossibly sharp turns on the carpet. But a few…

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This date in Slice history (1999)

Which attribute is most important in your line of work: A) Willingness to apologize for things that weren't your fault. B) Ability to stay awake in meetings. C) Skill at stealing credit. D) Talent for deflecting blame. E) Showing up every day.

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Invasion of the conetops

So the boys in marketing thought it would be a good idea to go with a zany accent, right on the product. Well, it was a different era. But how about that inspiring slogan: "America's finest canned beer." Canned beer. How lyrical. Sort of puts…

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 2012

Gentlemen of England

There are any number of good reasons why I am not a drama teacher. But if I did have influence with theater students, I would make sure their homework included watching this astonishly rich and layered 1999 movie. It takes its time and shines a…

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