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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Donald Trump

A candidate for Idaho Republican Presidential Primary, State of Idaho in the 2020 Idaho Presidential Primary

Party: Republican

Age: 77

Occupation: Businessman

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Related Coverage

Dana Milbank: Slow-walking impeachment may look weak. But restraint is Democrats’ greatest strength.

Democrats are right not to emulate Trump’s insults, falsehoods and extreme partisanship as they go about their legitimate inquiries.

Dana Milbank: Trump’s not claiming executive power. He’s going for divine right.

In 1787, the framers gave us a president, not a king. On Tuesday, lawyers for President Trump gave a dissenting opinion.

Jamie Rankin: Congress isn’t just a co-equal branch. We’re first among equals.

The three branches of U.S. government have different functions and different powers, and we operate in a dynamic relationship with one another. But the forward motion and energy must be provided by Congress, and Congress must protect our national values.

Dana Milbank: No, Mitch, the case isn’t closed

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Marc A. Thiessen: Impeaching Trump will only help him

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Michael Gerson: House leaders should lay the groundwork for impeachment

The honor of the presidency now depends on the actions of Congress. Beginning with a thorough series of coordinated hearings, House leaders should lay the groundwork for impeachment – and at least delay the surrender of our institutions to cynicism.

Adam B. Schiff: Take steps to ensure that Trump isn’t working for foreign interests

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Robert J. Samuelson: Can the Fed stay independent?

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Marc A. Thiessen: Trump is right to call out Democrats for their hypocrisy on sanctuary cities

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Kathleen Parker: It is finished

In the span of a few days, we’ve been joggled between the banal and the sublime, from Trump’s “I’m [effed]” upon learning of Robert Mueller’s assignment to the Russia investigation to the millions who prayed that centuries of beauty be spared by the flames.