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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Donald Trump

A candidate for Idaho Republican Presidential Primary, State of Idaho in the 2020 Idaho Presidential Primary

Party: Republican

Age: 77

Occupation: Businessman

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Related Coverage

Trump’s pardons are a disservice to the military

We fear that President Donald Trump’s recent decision to pardon two service members involved in war crimes cases and reverse disciplinary action against another – and his stated motives for doing so – will damage Americans’ perception of the military, encouraging the view that veterans are “broken.”

Stephen L. Carter: Go ahead, call it a quid pro quo

In describing what President Trump is alleged to have demanded from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, no form of words is more precise and forceful than “quid pro quo.”

Trump was right to abandon the Taliban peace deal. Here’s what a good one would look like.

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Martin Schram: GOP could learn from Thompson

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Danielle Allen: The biggest impeachment challenge? Commitment.

The other day I heard a radio announcer say about the impeachment process that it “drags on.” In that phrase he captured the biggest challenge now in front of us: commitment.

Dana Milbank: Suddenly Ken Starr doesn’t like impeachment so much

Is there anything Republicans won’t say to make impeachment go away? They attack the patriotism of decorated veterans. They decry rules that they devised. And they discard long-held principles as though the past never happened.

Marc A. Thiessen: Democrats’ impeachment inquiry will backfire

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Andrew P. Bakaj and Mark S. Zaid: Whistleblower’s identity is no longer relevant

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