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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Donald Trump

A candidate for Idaho Republican Presidential Primary, State of Idaho in the 2020 Idaho Presidential Primary

Party: Republican

Age: 77

Occupation: Businessman

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Related Coverage

Hugh Hewitt: What comes after the Mueller report

The theater of the absurd of the past three years has reached an end for President Trump, his family and campaign team. It is the beginning of the end for those who set the counterintelligence investigation in motion.

John Podesta: An assault on our democracy

Mueller got us this far. Now it’s Congress’s turn to weigh the evidence against the president, decide what merits a response and act in the best interests of our democracy.

Michael Gerson: There is no vindication for Trump

Moments after the Mueller report’s release, Republicans are urging America to move on. In this case, moving on would ignore and reward corruption on a grand scale.

Michael Gerson: Trump is a threat to religious freedom

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Marc A. Thiessen: Yes, America needs walls. But the country is not ‘full.’

Our country is not full. Not by a long shot. The opposite is true. We need more immigrants, lots of them.

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan: Here in Seattle, we’re not afraid of immigrants

Here’s a message to President Donald Trump: Seattle is not afraid of immigrants and refugees.

Dana Milbank: It’s the season for treason, according to Trump

This must be the season for treason. In the Oval Office on Thursday afternoon, President Trump gave a lesson on American justice to the visiting South Korean president. Speaking about the Mueller investigation and its origins, Trump said: “This is actually treason.”

Lawrence H. Summers: IRS should release Trump’s tax returns

For the treasury secretary to seek to decide whether to pass on the president’s tax return to Congress would surely be inappropriate and probably illegal.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Media owe no apology to Trump or anyone else for covering Mueller investigation

If any of the dozen-plus other investigations still swirling about Donald Trump produces superfluous evidence of his malfeasance – thank God for a free and mostly fearless news media to report on it.

Marc A. Thiessen: The Trump-Russia collusion hall of shame

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