The Front Page from Dec. 16, 2021
Top Stories
- Popular Manito Park holiday lights drive-thru brings plenty of traffic, but neighbors don’t fret
- This week’s child tax credit payments could be the last as Democrats struggle to advance Build Back Better Act
- Inslee announces ‘biggest, boldest’ legislative package to address homelessness
- Iconic White Elephant store becomes pile of rubble after Panda Express buys building
- It’s the last day of the Christmas Bureau, and toys are still available
- Salvation Army says one of its red kettles was stolen by someone pretending to be bell-ringer
- ‘A lot of guys in this state really fit what we want to do’: Washington State’s 10-man recruiting class features local flavor
- After teens going to an LGBTQ library group were met with protesters in North Idaho, a debate has erupted about the region’s political climate
- Healthy aging: Fighting low metabolism, spicy rebellion, hormones and other body changes