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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Sports >  Outdoors

River stretch

A Canada goose stretches its wings next to the river in Riverside State Park in this photo by Melanie Williams.

Sports >  Outdoors

Turtleback ride

A turtle hitches a ride through Mirror Pond at Manito Park in this photo by Ron Large.
Sports >  Outdoors

Alan Liere: A cougar in my woods

I saw a cougar on my property. Its presence would explain the many deer carcasses I found in the woods this spring. An adult cougar, I’ve been told, will kill a deer every two weeks, and a female with kittens as many as one every three days. I have no doubt the one in my woods has been busy upholding his or her reputation as an efficient predator here, just a few miles north of Spokane.
Sports >  Outdoors

Moose crossing

A moose crosses a side channel of the Coeur d’Alene River near Enaville, Idaho, in this Friday photo by Stephen Breithaupt.