Your Outdoor Photos: October 2023
The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.
NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!
Section:Reader Photo
Photos in This Album
Bowman Lake, Glacier National Park, May 2023
Photographer: Eric Sawyer
The water birds have returned to James T Slavin Conservation area. The last time I was there there was barely anything in the water. This time hoards of Canadian geese, ducks, other small ones and about 8 swans. Seen the beginning of November.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Beaver swimming at Plese Flats, late October. I would love to get a tail slap shot one of these days, keep dreaming!
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Wild turkey roaming the South Hill. Oct. 28, a little early for Turkey Day!
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
A large group of wild turkeys roaming the South Hill neighborhood, sounds like they are usuals in this area. Here is a closeup portrait. Oct. 28
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
A Barred Owl peers down at me from it's Maple leaf canopy they have dark eyes and look similar to a Spotted owl but are larger and have stripes on their breast instead of spots. Taken November 1 2023 near Davenport W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Blue Heron flying over boat launch at Riverside State Park, Nine Mile Falls. 10/28/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Deer at Riverside State Park, Nine Mile. 10/29/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Mallard flies over an icy pond. Canon Hill Park Oct 28
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Browns Lake view, Pend Oreille County, October 21st
Photographer: Nia Patton
Last days of fall on Pend Oreille River, October 14th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Waning Hunter's moon tonight
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Hunters full moon setting in the western sky early in the morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Hunters or Blood full moon
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
First snow, Montana, October 24th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Native red squirrel chattering on a fall day at Turnbull Refuge Wed as he and his partner gather seeds and nuts for the winter.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
A morning view eastward from the Barker bridge in September.
Photographer: Carol Olsen
Kayaking from Metaline Falls to Boundary Dam through Z Canyon with friends. During the month of August, 2023.
Photographer: Dan Robisch
Taken from the park underneath the Monroe St. bridge, Peaceful Valley and fall colors make for a eye catching background.
Photographer: Tom Peacock
There has been a good number Steller's Jays in the Spokane area this fall here is one that came out to Cheney to visit us today. Taken Oct 24 2023. Cheney W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
The tricky Steller's Jay looking for a treat. Photographed near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
The tricky Steller's Jay looking for a treat. Photographed near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Half-moon last night.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Stars and a plane flying by seen from the suspension bridge at the Bowl and Pitcher. Oct 20.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Sunset photo taken at Plese Flats from the Seven Mile Bridge. Oct. 20.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Moonlight on the Spokane River. Bowl and Pitcher. Oct. 20.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Great Blue Heron landing on shoreline of Spokane River below the Nine Mile Dam. 10/18/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Great Blue Heron in flight. The wetlands have their own version of fall colors. Oct 15 Saltese Flats.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Great blue heron fishing in the fall colors. Oct 13 at Canon Hill Park.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Young bucks learning to spar. Hayden Lake early October.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
White Crowned Sparrow at Saltese Flats on Oct 15.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Enjoying the beauty of the pond in Manito Park framed by a tree on the west end. Many people enjoyed the beauty of fall in Spokane on a sunny day in October.
Photographer: Matt Hildahl
Wood duck spreading its wings. Cannon Hill Park 10-15-23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Reflections. Love the reflections of the wood duck and fall colors in the water. Cannon Hill Park 10-15-23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Wood duck pair drying off from morning swim. Cannon Hill park 10/13/2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
Cannon Hill park Kingfisher 10/13/2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
One of the first words our children learned was "mine" when it came to sharing with a sibling. This October squirrel while at Tubbs Hill, Coeur d'Alene felt the same when it came to its acorn.
Photographer: Mark and Rowena Hurtubise
Another shot of the photogenic, neighborhood squirrel.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Friendly neighborhood squirrel posing for photographs in the backyard on a beautiful, fall afternoon.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Ian, the black Labrador, swimming back to the grassy banks of the slough where ducks and geese are feeding. Davis Creek, 10-8-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Rough morning start for Canada Geese, Pend Oreille River, October 8th
Photographer: Nia Patton
I took this picture of a blue heron on the Little Spokane River this summer. I took it from my paddleboard. I love how its reflection in the river.
Photographer: Matt Hildahl
Now just where is mom in all of this or is this dads day out? Kind of unusual for a bull to have calf's with it this time of year? Taken Oct 11 2023 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Robins are gathering and bulking up on the fruits of the maple ash preparing to migrate. Many robins will move south for winter while others will stay. Researchers still are unsure why some choose to stay while others do not. Photographed in the Hauser area.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Steller jays are making an appearance throughout Spokane County. Normally not seen frequently, many have been spotted in the last couple of weeks. This Steller jay was stopping by near Cheney. Oct. 8, 2023
Photographer: Cindy Miller
Bull Moose at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. 10/9/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Bull Moose calling. Turnbull Wildlife Refuge 10/9/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Jewel Basin, Flathead County, Montana, Sept. 25th
Photographer: Jon Patton
Mother Nature sure knows how to decorate for fall! This deer was enjoying the bounty at Cheney Care the first week in October
Photographer: Melaine Williams
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