In the early 2000s, the world’s only freshwater cod was all but gone from the waters of the Kootenai River in north Idaho and British Columbia. Once counted in the thousands, regional populations of burbot – or ling cod, as they are sometimes known – had dropped to a mere 50.
As Lake Pend Oreille’s designated mail carrier – the latest in a line going back to the late 1930s – traveling from one place to another is pretty much Captain James Wesley Jones’ job description.
On hot days like these, the city adjusts. Residents spend less time outside, retreating to shade and air conditioning to keep from overheating. But for the folks who ensure the supply of cool continues, the work begins when the sun rises.
The superintendent of Coeur d’Alene Public Schools issued a strongly-worded apology Thursday for the district’s handling of racist vandalism at Lake City High School.