Idaho Records
Police Blotter Kootenai County Sheriff
Bruce Crowe, Spokane, reported Saturday the $800 theft of an ATV trailer and a Honda threewheeler from his property on Hayden Lake Road.
Ricky Blake reported March 18, $3,400 damage by graffiti to four truck trailers parked at Columbia Lighting, 300 W. Centa, Hayden. The trailers belong to Silver Eagle Co. of Spokane.
David Jones reported Sunday the $510 theft of fishing equipment from his boat parked in the 6800 block of Colfax, Dalton Gardens.
Kurt Branham reported Friday the $1,451 theft of paint ball guns and supplies from two trailers parked in Athol.
Coeur d’Alene Police
Gail Harring reported Friday the $630 theft of a .45 caliber handgun and its carrying case from her home in the 2400 block of Fairway Drive.
Kathryn Beitlich reported Thursday the $435 theft of garden and hand tools from her home in the 1000 block of Emma Ave.
Ryan Gillard reported Friday the $2,700 theft of stereo equipment from his ‘85 Toyota parked at Auto Tech, 2309 N. Fourth St. for repairs.
James Beaver reported Thursday $3,550 theft of rent and deposit money gathered from renters of his triplexes in the 400 block of Coeur d’Alene Ave.
Post Falls Police
Aaron Nieland reported Thursday $300 damage to a windshield of a vehicle parked in the 1900 block of Plaza Drive.
Gary Benner reported Friday the $1,400 theft of MicroTech hearing aids from a vehicle parked in the 900 block of E. 12th Avenue.
Dennis Van Dyke of General Rental, 3120 E. Seltice Way, reported Saturday an uncollected amount of $2,134 owed for a backhoe rental.
News of Record Death Notices
Clinton Bridges, 82, Post Falls.
Francis “Hoot” Gosser, 79, St. Maries.
Lolly M. Wheller, 69, Moscow.
For full obituary information, please see page D-6.
Please see Wednesday’s Spokesman-Review for obituary information on:
Ted Blaszak, 82, Kingston.
Chris F. Sperber, 80, Coeur d’Alene.
Shoshone County Civil complaints
Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare vs. John Ross, seeking $8,525.
Bonner County Civil complaints
Diane Archibald vs. Gary Archibald, seeking $6,153.
Mertess Wilson vs. Jerome Wilson, seeking $2,876.
State of Utah vs. Gary Archibald, seeking $6,478.
Richard and Zenaida Braun vs. Vickey James, seeking an amount to be proven at trial.
Automated Accounts Inc. vs. Bill and Venica Dowell, seeking $1,021.
Kootenai County Criminal sentencings
Judge Gary Haman
Raymond Bainter, 28, Hayden Lake; attempting to elude officers; five days in jail.
Rodney Bitterman, 29, Coeur d’Alene; felony burglary; 90 days in jail, four years probation, five years determinate penitentiary time (suspended) five years indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended).
David Swanlund, 30, no address; felony driving under the influence; 30 days in jail, three years probation, two years determinate penitentiary time (suspended) and three years indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended), one year probation.
Judge Barry Watson
Timothy Mahon, 31, Kingston; resisting or obstructing officers; 180 days in jail (90 days suspended), two years probation.
Thomas Simon, 34, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge John Luster
Paul Oyer, 31, Alexander, Ariz.; driving without privileges, log book violations and safety carrier violations; 10 days in jail.
Judge Paul McCabe
Chad Jeffries, 22, Coeur d’Alene; malicious injury to property; $151 fine (suspended), 90 days in jail (60 days suspended), one year probation.
Divorces Granted
Betty Robinson from Buddy Robinson.
Ann Willoughby from James Willoughby.