Idaho Records
Police blotter
Kootenai County
Jon Parker reported Wednesday the $350 theft of antique trunks from Curley’s Tavern, 5005 Highway 53, Post Falls.
Bruce Coppess reported Wednesday the $424 theft of clothes, schoolbooks and other items as well as his wallet from a car parked at home in the 500 block of Peachtree, Hayden, Idaho.
Coeur d’Alene police
Robin Chisholm of Coeur d’Alene reported Wednesday that her Canon camcorder, bag and batteries, valued at $900, were missing from the gym at Lake City High School, where she had forgotten them earlier.
Joanne Zimmerman reported Wednesday that computer components valued at $1,570 were taken from a classroom in McLain Hall at North Idaho College during the holiday break.
News of record
Kootenai County
Civil complaints
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. Randy and Marcie Pattan, seeking $1,349.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. Glen and Marla Harrington, seeking $1,547.
Wilma Sutton vs. Colonial Insurance Co. of California, seeking amount to be proved at trial in excess of $10,000.
Duane Schaffner vs. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Erickson, seeking $10,000.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. Jeffrey and Jessie Johnston, seeking $1,035.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. Connie Wadsworth (Cisneros), seeking $1,204.
Bill Sartain vs. Sonitrol, seeking $500.
Gale Slaughter vs. Lawnie Vanderhoof, seeking amount to be proved at trial.
Ted Fausett vs. Dave Smith Chevrolet and Frontier Leasing and Sales, seeking $7,995.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. John McKeral, seeking $4,957.
Civil judgments
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Charles White, award of $693.
Civil dismissals
Knudtsen Chevrolet vs. Cobear Properties Inc.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau vs. Dan Brockway, Inland Sporting Goods Manufacturing.
Divorces sought
Laura Reinhardt from Ronald Reinhardt.
Michael Boniecki from Tamera Boniecki.
Marriage licenses
Dean Biernacki and Lela Francis, both of Coeur d’Alene.
Scott Tindall and Tina Donohoe, both of Post Falls.
Darrin Miller, Hayden, Idaho, and Teri Siebenforcher, Spokane.
Bonner County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Don Swanstrom
David Bensel, 30, Spokane; negligent boat operation; $300 fine, 30 days in jail (suspended), one year’s probation.
Eric Marienau, 37, Sandpoint; failure to purchase driver’s license; 60 days in jail.
Don Fritzche, 21, Cocolalla, Idaho; driving without privileges; $300 fine, 60 days in jail (56 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Judge James Michaud
Daniel Larson, 23, Sandpoint; aggravated assault; 60 days in jail, 100 hours of community service, two years’ determinate penitentiary time (suspended), four years’ indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended).
Joshua Libby, 21, Coeur d’Alene; grand theft; 75 days in jail, 100 hours of community service, three years’ probation, 18 months’ determinate penitentiary time (suspended), 36 months’ indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended).
Judge Debra Heise
Derik Darlington, 34, Colburn, Idaho; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 120 days in jail (90 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Dan Whitman, 48, Priest Lake, Idaho; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($300 suspended), 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Shoshone County
Civil judgments
John Stack vs. Perry Stack, award of $12,854.
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare vs. Leo Lish, award of $1,077.
Divorces granted
Wesley Redden from Linda Redden.