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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spring Plant Sale At Garland Church

An array of bedding plants will be available at the Spring Bedding Plant Sale sponsored by the Garland Avenue Alliance Church, Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The sale is at the church, 2011 W. Garland. Plants will be sold by pony pack or by the flat. The organizers say: Come early for the best selection.

The gardening spirit

Spokesman-Review garden columnist Phyllis Stephens has teamed with Native American Leon Rattler, who specializes in holistic healing through the arts, for a one-day workshop. The focus is the connection of nature and the human spirit.

The workshop, titled “Gardens for Life! Sanctuaries for the Body and Soul,” will be Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Spokane Ag Trade Center, Columbia Basin Room. Registration is at noon and the cost is $8.

Participants will lean about the elements needed to create their own garden sanctuary and the American Indian perspective of plant life and connections to people.

To pre-register, call 456-8038.

Kitchen garden

If you see a kitchen garden, or simply a patch of herbs, in your gardening future, the next in the series of Yard and Garden Lectures may be of interest. “Herbs and More” will cover planting and producing a garden of versatile herbs, Thursday night from 7 to 9.

The series is sponsored by the Spokane County/WSU Cooperative Extension and lectures are held at the Extension office, 222 N. Havana.

Admission is $5; plan to arrive early for a good seat.

Think safety

Here are some important tips to think about before you have a home fire, courtesy of the National Academy/Federal Emergency Management Agency:

Prepare and practice a family evacuation plan for your home with an emphasis on getting out quickly and staying out.

Equip bedrooms with flashlights.

Give children whistles to keep handy. Whistles can help parents locate children in a smoky house.

When fleeing any kind of fire, stay low to avoid smoke and poisonous gases.

, DataTimes