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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

No medical specialist is more likely to develop back trouble than the psychiatrist.

Average new tire weighs about 25 pounds. Average used tire, about 20. Every replaced tire leaves 5 pounds of tread out there, divided infinitesimally. The face of the earth is rubberized.

Some of Johnny Carson’s lines live on, don’t they? He said, “In Burbank there’s a drive-in church called Jack-in-the-Pew. You shout your sins into the face of a plastic priest.”

Q. Where’s my coffin bone?

A. If you’ve got a horse, it’s the foot bone inside your horse’s hoof.

Listed among medical ailments of a century ago was a dour complaint called “mental fermentation.” Its symptoms included insomnia, nervousness, and a sorrowful condition then called melancholia. Doctors of the day usually prescribed bicycle riding.

Q. Which is more popular in the United States - hot tea or iced tea?

A. Iced accounts for 80 percent. Credit Richard Blechynden. He was the hot-tea vendor who almost went broke at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition when St. Louis temperatures soared. When he poured his tea over ice, buyers flocked forth and went home to do likewise. He did a lot for the ice house business, too, did Blechynden.